Kata are a set of prearranged forms/techniqes designed to be performed by an individual Karate-Ka (practitioner). Kata, prearranged forms, are not simply an exhibition of form. They are a concrete manifestation of techniques which can be transformed at any time to any form. It is in the kata that the essence of karate has assumed a definite form. We should always remember that the kata are a crystallisation of the essence of karate and that we should always begin afresh and train hard. It is only through the training of kata that you will reach gokui, the essential teachings.Below you will see examples of Kaishigata (open hand) and Heishugata (closed hand).
Gekisai Di Ichi - Kaishugata
Performed by: Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura. Created by Chojun Miyagi Sensei in 1940 for introduction into the school system and to help make the average person stronger. Literally translated as 'to destory' it is a power Kata designed to help you combine and create power and speed for your punches, kicks, blocks and moving.
Saifa - Kaishugata
Performed by: Sensei Tetsuji Nakamur.
Saifa Kata translates to 'smash and break' or 'pound and pulverise'. Its characteristics of heavy back first and circular swinging movements give meaning to its name. It is a short Kata, but one with numerous sequences that require precise timing to execute correctly.
Seiyunchin- Kaishugata
Seiyunchin Kata translates to To Control & Pull
Shisochin- Kaishugata
Shisochin Kata translates to Fight In Four Directions
Sanchin- Heishugata
Sanchin Kata translates to '3 Battles' and is the fundamental Kata of Goju Ryu
Kazoku Dojo est 2019.